Academics » Art & Music

Art & Music


Every teacher includes art in their curriculum and integrates it with other subject matter. Students also use the Meet The Masters program in grades K-8. The Meet The Masters program highlights seven different artists throughout the year. Students learn about the artist, their style of art, art elements, and techniques. Students experiment with art in a fun, non-representational way. This program is funded by our Home and School Association.


The Catholic faith community of St. Irenaeus School is committed to helping our children develop to their full spiritual and academic potential. Our music program is designed to engage our students in the Mass. As children, our students have few opportunities to actively participate in the Mass with the exception of singing. The program is structured around the introduction and study of music to be sung at our monthly Student Body Masses. These songs range from traditional hymns to contemporary worship music and are used as vehicles to introduce basic music fundamentals such as solfege and rhythm. Our music program integrates various disciplines students learn in the classrooms including religion, history, and even math! Students in grades K-5 have music class once a week.