H.S.A Fundraising
St. Irenaeus Parish School eliminated mandatory fundraising several years ago. However, we do fund raise to help offset the cost for specific needs on our campus and we encourage your participation. We have a Fun Run scheduled every year and many smaller events throughout the school year. Details regarding these functions will become available as we approach each event. The funds raised from H.S.A. have helped cover the cost for Chromebooks, field trip buses, and other extra-curricular activities.
There are smaller fundraising programs coordinated through the school. These programs are listed below. If you have questions about any of these programs, please contact the school office at 714-827-4500.
- SCRIP: Did you know you can earn tuition credit when you purchase SCRIP through www.ShopwithScrip.com. This is a Win-Win deal for you - when you purchase SCRIP for your everyday shopping needs and entertainment uses you are reducing your tuition while helping St. I.
- Use St. Irenaeus enrollment code 54E5747356436 when signing up. Your Scrip rebates will accumulate and credit your tuition account three times a year (September, January, and May).
- You now can use your credit card to make SCRIP purchases!!! You must swipe your card in person at St. Irenaeus School. A minimum $250 per credit card transaction is required to pay by credit. Credit card processing fees would be deducted, but you still earn tuition credit on most purchases.
- If you need any assistance with the SCRIP program whether it be signing up, making purchases, or picking up your SCRIP orders, the school office will be open to help. Hours are Monday-Friday, from 9AM to 3:30PM. Also, please feel free to call the school office, transfer to the library (Ext. 213), leave a message with your name and phone number, and Mrs. Lambert will be happy to get back to you.