Schoolwide Learning Expectations Grades 4-8
We believe that parents/guardians have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. The faculty and staff, in respectful partnership with parents/guardians, endeavor to foster the growth of the total child in terms of his/her religious, academic, psychological, social, physical, and aesthetic development. By the time our students graduate from St. Irenaeus Parish School, we would expect them to have developed the following Schoolwide Learning Expectations:
A Faith-filled Active Catholic Who
- Lives a Christian life by sharing my faith with others.
- Demonstrates knowledge of Church's doctrine.
- Understands Scripture and practices this in daily life.
- Participates in the Mass, prayer services, and daily prayer.
- Values the importance of human beings by evangelizing and participating in stewardship projects.
A Critical Thinker Who
- Seeks out of variety of resources and compares and contrasts that information.
- Gathers evidence, tests ideas, and perseveres with complex questions.
- Applies problem-solving skills while analyzing information, data, and facts.
- Uses technology to research a wide range of information.
An Effective Communicator Who
- Understands and comprehends text complexity to support analysis.
- Applies language and writing skills purposely and coherently.
- Demonstrates speaking and listening skills appropriately and respectfully.
- Uses technology competently to articulate ideas.
A Globally Aware Citizen Who
- Demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of my heritage and the cultural diversity of others.
- Acts as a responsible member of the parish, school, local, and global community
- Recognizes individual strengths, talents, and areas of growth.
- Respects God’s creation by taking care of the environment.
- Shows awareness of historical and current events, as well as global issues that affect Catholic Christians.
A Life-long Learner Who
- Demonstrates self-motivation, self-discipline, organization, and study skills.
- Collaborates with others in all areas of learning.
- Practices a healthy lifestyle by making good choices.
- Uses technology and digital media strategically and ethically.