St. Irenaeus School Testimonial

"It was 2016 and we were looking for a school for our daughter. We started looking around and debating whether she should go to a public or private school. During that summer, one Sunday we attended Mass at St. Irenaeus, and that same day they had an open house at the school. After Mass, we were given a tour by a couple of very enthusiastic students and automatically we fell in love with the school and with what St. I had to offer. As soon as the tour was over we looked at each other and agreed, "This is it." The Lord just answered our prayer as to where our daughter should be going to school. Three years have passed since and we can truly say that we feel so blessed of having become part of the St. Irenaeus family. St. I teachers, school personnel, students and their families in our daughter's classroom have truly become our extended family. We have bonded and created wonderful relationships with the families that go beyond the school premises. St. Irenaeus has been the place where we not only have been able to share our moral values but most importantly our Catholic faith. God bless St. Irenaeus Parish School."
Source: Servin Family 2020